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A Lesson In Being Prepared

man flying out

You never know which way the wind will blow

When I was in elementary school my father and I belonged to a YMCA group that focused on fathers spending time with their daughters. We had just moved from Massachusetts to California and my parents thought it was not only a great way for my dad and me to bond but also to meet new people in our community.

One of the group’s outings was a snow tubing trip to Big Bear Mountain. My father and I got ready for the trip, packing our warm winter clothing which we had brought with us from the east coast. We knew Southern California was known for its warm weather, but anything can happen.

When we got to the mountain, the weather did not disappoint. It was cold and snowy and nostalgic for my father and me who missed the beauty of white winters. We bundled up, grabbed our tubes, and headed to the top of the hill with the rest of the group.

It wasn’t long before we started to hear complaints about cold fingers and toes. We noticed that the others weren’t as prepared as us, the hardy New Englanders. Instead of parkas and snow boots, they donned sneakers, light sweaters, and windbreakers. There wasn’t a mitten or hat among them.

It’s an old joke in New England that if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute. My father told me to “Always be prepared for any kind of weather, even in Southern California.” That stuck with me, and I always am.

Being prepared is also important when it comes to your heating and cooling system. We often don’t give it a second thought and think that everything will work properly when we turn it on. However, unless you prepare your system for the season, it’s possible that you’ll be left scrambling to find a solution, and fast!

If you have a Preventative Maintenance Agreement with Reiner, we would be able to make sure your system is ready for any kind of weather. Hot or cold, we have you covered. Benefits also include 24-hour emergency service, discounts on parts (including specialty filters), and priority scheduling. Which comes in handy during our busy AC season. Give us a call today to find out more!

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